
What is liturgy?

It refers to the way we worship God. It means “work of the people” worshiping together in a manner that is both organized and meaningful that shape our worship services.

Just as a musical score guides musicians, liturgy offers a roadmap for our worship. It ensures that our services are coherent in the essential aspects of our faith.

Liturgy deepens our experience connecting us with a rich heritage of faith and worship; it shapes our spiritual lives throughout the seasons of the year helping to form our beliefs and practices, nurturing a deeper relationship with God; and it fosters a sense of community and unity as we join in prayer and song reinforcing our bonds as a faith family.

The first part of our Sunday service focuses on the Word:

  1. Scripture readings from the Old Testament, New Testament Epistles, and the Gospels.

  2. The sermon is based on the readings and interpreting the Scriptures applying them to the lives of the congregation providing spiritual guidance.

  3. Various prayers and the Lord's Prayer.

  4. The Apostles' Creed is recited summarizing the key elements of Christian doctrine.

  5. Hymns and worship songs are sung throughout the service, reinforcing the themes of the readings and prayers.

The second part focuses on Sacrament: 

  1. Confession acknowledging our shortcomings and seeking God’s forgiveness, receiving assurance of His grace and mercy.

  2. The bread and wine of Communion allows us to remember Christ’s sacrifice and celebrate the new life we have in Him.

  3. We conclude our worship with a blessing sending us out to live our faith in the world. 

Thank you for being a part of our worshiping community. We look forward to sharing more of this journey of faith with you!